Ken at Florida Rant has some nice words to say about Ubuntu Linux. Their newest release is Breezy Badger (a far hipper name that Windows Vista) and it looks slick.
New users will first notice the abandonment of XPDF for the new, very gorgeous Evince. Evince works on Postscript and PDF documents, provides anti-aliasing on everything so lines look very smooth. In addition the front-end to Beagle (known as “Bleeding Edge Search Tool” among those who don’t abbreviate to BEST) is analogous to Apple’s Spotlight, except like most things, Apple’s tool wipes the floor with C# in general. C# appears to be the new, hip language of GNOME development.
Call me paranoid (it’s practically a nickname for me) but I think I’ll stick with C or Python for my GNOME work, thanks.
Just wanted to test the reply vehicle. Roberts for the job? Well maybe. Did you read Bushy’s speech yesterday? not much substance about a plan but a very clear picture of ideology and world view. No mining of words. I thought the transcript version was the best he has done. The clips I saw were typical bush presentation. Not real smooth. If you’re convinced of his world veiw then you have to support his strategy – war.
Cool slide show!
Thanks for the update. Haven’t seen the speech yet, my news yesterday was limited to the Gator vs. Python story out of the everglades.
The St. Pete Times did a story on Tom DeLay, and the growing chain of money changing hands. Consulting firms, private foundations, PACs. I think if it goes on any longer we’ll find out that Kevin Bacon was somehow involved.
By the way, your application is getting closer to completion. I’m cleaning up the disk IO and scheduling. I’ll send you a beta version once it’s stable.