
Politicians for Lunch

If you’re near a television in the Tampa Bay area tomorrow around 12 pm, be sure to flip over to Bay News 9.

The Suncoast Tiger Bay Club, a non-partisan political group, plans to have a politician for lunch tomorrow. Their website says they “carve up” politicians for lunch. It should be pretty lively with a 20 minute free-form Q & A session.

If you haven’t been to Scott’s website recently, you might want to check back over the coming days. Let’s just say there might be some significant changes in the near future.

In the interest of full disclosure: I work for Scott, but I certainly don’t receive any compensation or creative oversight with regard to my blog. “The Casimir Effect” is still independent and I always reserve the right to promote and annoy public figures at will.

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  • Actionstance

    Checked out the website. Made a $50 contribution. Went to his blog and the last posting was on Jan 15. With all that is going on in the world and the popularity of bogs among politically minded techies it would probavly be good to have more frequent entries. I made that recommendation using the contact feature.

  • Casimir

    That means I should be getting that suggestion in an email sometime soon. Or Scott will. I forget where the info suggestions go. We pulled the plug on the midnight switchover at (literally) the last minute. It’s still coming, but we’re auditing the new pages first.

    You contributed? Look forward to some phone calls from Scott. Barack Obama is podcasting weekly now, and with his skill at oration I think it’s helping him significantly. He could talk his way into the presidency without leaving the subject of education.

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